Tri Athlete

The Tri Athlete meal consists of an egg white omelet without cages topped with house-roasted Crimini mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, and green chiles. accompanied with fresh fruit, our whole grain artisan bread, natural house preserves, and homemade pico de gallo.

Tri Athlete


Tri Athlete meal contains the following ingredients:

  • Egg Whites (87 Calories)
  • Roasted Cremini Mushrooms (34 Calories)
  • Roasted Onions (8 Calories)
  • Tomatoes (5 Calories)
  • Green chilies (7 Calories)
  • Cooking Spray (11 Calories)
  • Pico de Gallo (7 Calories)
  • Fresh Seasonal Fruit (80 Calories)

Nutrition Facts

CaloriesProtein (g)Fat (g)Carbs (g)Calories from fatSat. FatTrans FatCholesterol(mg)Sodium(mg)Fiber(g)Sugars(g)Added Sugars(g)
Nutrition information – Tri Athlete


Tri Athlete at First Watch contains the below listed allergens:

  • Eggs
  • Sesame
  • Soy
  • Wheat
  • Gluten